Configuration Settings:
To work with Project Status Plugin, required project phases should be created in advance.
To add project phase, follow below steps
Step 1. Navigate to Project Settings → Project Status → Project Status Configuration
Step 2. Click on "Add Project Phase" in upper right corner of page
Step 3. Enter appropriate Project Phase name along with threshold and its resembled color.
- Edit : Edit the Existing Project Phase.
- Delete : Delete Existing Project Phase.
Two Strategies to get project phase :
Project phase will be visible here.
Depending on strategy as "Manual" or "Auto", the graphs will be visible for "Auto strategy only"
In case graphs are visible, clicking on each phase in "Project Status" pie chart will give mapped Jira statuses with issue count in next column graph
column graph is shown below, clicking on each column it redirects to issue navigator resulting issues in that status.
- When Project is deleted it's all configurations will be deleted.
- When Status from any workflow is removed, it's corresponding configuration will be deleted.
Threshold :
threshold is the expected percentage of issues in mapped Jira workflow statuses for that Project Phase.