Round-robin Assignment Plugin User Guide

Round-robin Assignment Plugin User Guide


Supports JIRA version 7.2.0 to 8.0.2


What is Round-robin Scheduling?

A round-robin story is one that is started by one person and then continued successively by others in turn. Whether an author can get additional turns, and how the story can be ended depend on the rules.


Round-robin Assignment plugin assign issues to users of a selected group using 3 different strategies given below, strategy can be configured in "Round Robin Assignment" panel in "project settings". Strategies are set specific to IssueType in Project.

Configuration Setting:

Project Settings → Round Robin Assignment → Add RoundRobin Mapping → IssueType (Select IssueType to which you want to apply RoundRobin) → Strategy Mapping

Actions :

  1. Edit button : Edit the Existing Mapping for IssueType.

  2. Delete button : Delete Mappings for IssueType.

To Add RoundRobin or Edit Existing :

Strategies are given below:

  1. Simple RoundRobin

  2. Number of Issues Based RoundRobin

  3. Total Estimation Based RoundRobin


Each Round-robin Strategy can be configured in 2 ways

  1. Group Based Round-robin :


    • Groups to be configured with Round-robin strategy must have assignable user permission for that Project.

  2. Field Based Round-robin : 

    1.  System fields ("Components" and "Priority"), Custom fields ("Single select") can be used to set RoundRobin.


      • Groups to be configured with Round-robin strategy must have assignable user permission for that Project.

      • Custom field of type "Single Select" configured with project.

1) Simple RoundRobin : Issues will be assigned to users(Sorted by user ID) in group one after the other in round robin fashion.


    1. Group Based RoundRobin : Apply Simple Round Robin to users in specific group (ex : jira-servicedesk-users).

    2. Field Based RoundRobin : select Field, add mapping of each Option of field with Group.
      Working : while creating issue, select Option of configured Field, issue will be assigned to the user(resulted by applying Round Robin strategy) in mapped group of that option.
      for e .g option "Manager" from "Team" field is mapped to "Managers Group". So, while creating issue, if "Managers" is selected in "Team" Field, Round Robin will be applied to users from "Managers Group"


2) Number of Issues Based RoundRobin : assign issue to the user with least number of assigned issues in a group.

  • Group Based RoundRobin : configure "Group Based RoundRobin" for Number of Issues Based RoundRobin, issue will be assigned to the user in a group who has minimum number of assigned issues.

  • Field Based RoundRobin :  configure "Field Based RoundRobin" for Number of Issues Based RoundRobin, select Field, map each option with a group.
    select option of configured field while creating issue, issue will be assigned to the user in a group mapped with option who has minimum number of assigned

3) Total Estimation Based RoundRobin : assign issue to the user with minimum total of Original Estimate in a group.

  • Group Based RoundRobin : configure "Group Based RoundRobin" for Total Estimation Based RoundRobin, issue will be assigned to the user in a group who has minimum total of Original Estimate.

  • Field BasedRoundRobin :  configure "Field Based RoundRobin" for Total Estimation Based RoundRobin, select Field, map each option with a group.
    select option of configured field while creating issue, issue will be assigned to the user in a group mapped with option who with minimum total of Original Estimate 


Roundrobin would not be applied unless a postfunction is added on transition. Follow below steps to apply above configured roundrobin strategy

Apply on PostFunction :

       Note :  To apply "RoundRobin Assignment" PostFunction on create transition, order it before "create issue originally" postfunction.

  • Apply Postfunction "RoundRobin Assignment" on workflow transition to use RoundRobin Strategy




miscellaneous behaviour :

  1. When Project is deleted it's all RoundRobin configurations will be deleted.

  2. When Field is deleted  it's all RoundRobin configurations will be deleted.

  3. When Field Option is disabled or deleted it's all RoundRobin configurations will be deleted.

  4. When Group is deleted it's all RoundRobin configurations will be deleted. 






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