Nagios Jira Integration

Nagios Jira Integration


IT Support team using Nagios for monitoring & Atlassian toolset for ticketing needs to keep track of Nagios incidents from Nagios Dashboard and Other helpdesk requests through Jira or Service Desk. Most of the time they rely on email notification triggers.

Nagios Jira Integration help them in monitoring infra related tickets form Jira or service desk itself.

Planned enhancement

  • One crucial feature which is partially complete but may not ship with current release is ability to map Nagios fields with Jira custom fields for better search capabilities & reporting

  • Another important feature which is in pipeline is making it bidirectional Issue is reported in jira and once it is assigned acknowledge the nagios incident. Once Issue is resolved in Jira close the nagios incident. This will be accomplished using jira webhooks and nagios rapid response url. Have encountered some issue with response url getting populated wrong which I am working on getting addressed by Nagios team. As soon as that is done this feature will be available.

Nagios Jira Integration enables customer to push Nagios incident to Jira

Getting started with the Plugin

  • Through plugin configuration page define project & issue type mapping and save 

  • Copy the curl script provided and configure Nagios event handler or commands.  

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